First Prayer Letter & Ministry Update!

We are officially on deputation!

Harry Brown

2/11/20234 min read

First Prayer Letter & Ministry Update!

January 2023

We are officially on deputation!

The last two months went by in a blur. The sheer amount of work that went on behind the scenes has been nearly overwhelming at times. We started this journey in December with a photoshoot by Sister Cindy Fannin, who offered to bless us with her talents. We are very appreciative of her for accommodating our crazy family and schedule. When you look at the pictures of us smiling and happy, know that the temperature was near 30° with a constant wind. We kept the van as close as possible to us at each location and warmed the ladies up between pictures. They smiled through every picture while enduring the cold.

During December we concentrated on all the media that needed to be designed and ordered so that it would arrive before our presentation date. We created the prayer cards, the bookmarks, the table banner, as well as business cards that I can give out when witnessing. The girls were very busy trying to interpret my ideas and apply them to all of our media. Nikki spent many long hours learning the website builder and creating the website Gracie worked hard editing everything that I wrote to make it readable for you. ;)

January was very busy; we worked on all the details of our presentation video and display table. Nikki and Gracie designed the table and worked out all the items we needed to create a display that would share our burden and who we are. Chloe spent many long weeks editing our presentation video. I gave the girls a script and direction for the video, and Ethan did all of the narrating for us. I am very grateful for their talents!

Jonah was busy delivering firewood and taking care of our business while we are in the process of shutting it all down, allowing me the time to build the “force multiplier” to be used in our presentation. With everything finally ready, we were prepared to present to our home church the night of January 22nd. We headed to Sunday school that morning in heavy snow. When we arrived in Jackson it was only raining, but back home we received about four inches of very wet snow while we were away! While loading everything that afternoon, I realized that I had never actually tried to fit our display in the van. It did not fit. Oops—I will be redesigning that! After some creative seat folding, the girls crammed in the back next to the display and we headed out of our neighborhood at a crawl. We live in a very small township with one plow truck. The roads were terrible until we merged onto the highway. After driving down the highway for eighteen minutes, I realized that I left an important piece of the display at home. We had to navigate through our snow covered neighborhood yet again! Once at church, the presentation went well with no technical issues.

We are very grateful for the love gifts and the support that our home church is providing. It is an honor and a privilege to be the first missionaries sent out from Freedom Baptist Church of Jackson, Ohio. God has used Pastor Eaton to guide us and help equip us to be missionaries to America. We are looking forward to helping others who have the same burden as our pastor. To reach an entire community with the gospel and to provide a place for fellow believers to worship the Lord. Pastor Eaton planted this church in a two-car garage. The last 24 years has seen the church grow to where it is now, in a beautiful building with a memorable blue roof on the side of Route 35.

I want to thank the many missionaries and pastors who have spent hours on the phone with me sharing their experiences and giving me godly counsel and fellowship. I will be relying on their friendship and guidance as we move forward in full-time ministry.

We are very excited to be on deputation and to continue helping others as we go—the benefit of being on the mission field already. We are looking forward to our upcoming scheduled presentations, including a church-planting conference in October and a missions conference later this year.

In the Service of Christ our King,

The Brown Family


Freedom Baptist Church

198 Orville Brown Rd.

Jackson, OH 45640

Pastor Jerry Eaton (740)288-9947


Our country and its leaders. That God will lead us to those He wants us to help.

That God will provide the open doors where He wants us to present.

We have many decisions to make as we prepare to leave our house and travel full-time.

Wisdom and provision as we search for a bus or RV. (We will need this by the end of August).