Harry's Testimony

I grew up in a Christian home where my parents gave me every opportunity to learn about God. I attended a Christian school. I went to a Baptist church and spent my free time at Christian camp. I had repeated a salvation prayer at camp and was baptized when I was 13. The problem was that none of these advantages led me to a personal relationship with Christ.

At age 40 we started attending a church where the pastor took personal interest in our whole life; not just while we were in the church building. It was during this time while reading my Bible and sitting under preachers who were teaching and preaching things that seemed all new to me. The Lord started to draw me to him. I knew that I had offended a Holy God and needed a Savior. I finally came to a place of true repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. My faith changed my life and I was now excited to spend time with godly men and other Christian families. I wanted to learn more about everything I heard. We would stay after church for hours some nights talking about the Bible and doctrine.

I thank the Lord for my upbringing and for the people in my life who helped me see the need for a Savior.

Nikki's Testimony

I didn't have the advantage of growing up in a Christian home. In fact, I didn't have a single saved person in my family or heritage that I knew of. I learned of Christ when a friend relentlessly witnessed to me at work. I remember a couple weeks of me searching and being frightened that my past and all my sins would keep me from Heaven. In despair, I called a teen suicide hotline and spoke to a woman named Mary, who showed me in the Bible how Jesus could save even me! That night, alone in my house, I called out to the Lord for forgiveness and I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ to save me from all of my sins.

The next day, I called the hotline to find Mary and tell her that I got saved! The operator that answered, told me there was no one named Mary that worked at the Hotline Center! Not only did she not exist, he said they were not permitted to use the Bible to counsel people who called into the hotline. But, in March of 1995, my wretched soul was saved and I had complete peace—finally!

Throughout my Christian life I had always wished that I had a Christian home with godly parents, but God uses every life that is willing and available. Since the day I got saved, at the age of 23, I have never questioned my salvation. But, over the course of my saved life; I have seen lots of people raised in Christian homes that struggled with their salvation and have had to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling. (Phil. 2:12) Now I am thankful for my upbringing, as God has the perfect plan!

**My husband told me to write out my testimony, so I did, with the hope that someone might read it and be drawn closer to God through it! After I read his testimony, I thought it was amazing that we both ended our testimony the same way without knowing; being thankful for our upbringing, even though they were exact opposites.