Ministry Goals & Objectives

Nature itself teaches us that God is in the business of multiplication. If we plant one seed of corn, that seed produces a stalk bearing corn cobs with 400 seeds each. By adding fertilizer and water at the right times, a corn seed can produce cobs with up to 1,200 seeds each! This is the principle of multiplication.

God has tasked His church with the great commission to reach the entire world. The way to accomplish this is for churches to be reproducing churches. America needs the multiplication of churches. Doers of the Work Ministry is a helps ministry to church planters and struggling churches across America. By helping these churches, we put feet to your prayers.

Romans 15:27 It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things.

God has called us to ministry with two distinct goals with multiple objectives.

Our first goal is to minister in spiritual needs. We will help with the spiritual needs of a church and work through the local church to evangelize the lost across America.

There are just over 10,000 IFB churches in America. If we assume that every church is reaching 5,000 people per year with the gospel then we are currently evangelizing only 15% of our country. In the last 10 years we have lost over 300 more Baptist churches than we have planted. We are losing our influence in American culture. The answer is to support church planters and to help struggling churches before they close their doors.

As missionaries to America, we are a force multiplier to the man of God. The Biblical pattern of church planting is always more than one man. We will be spending a week to several months helping each church plant with scheduled return visits to encourage and strengthen the churches, as well as help with any current needs; a pattern that the apostle Paul used throughout his ministry.

We will be helping with evangelistic outreach into the community through door-to-door soul winning and tract distribution. We will be helping with ministry opportunities in their community to reach those seeking answers in the dark times in which we live. My sons and I have preached to many men in jail and have seen the results of this present world.

As a family, we have years of experience helping with community outreach. Here are just a few programs and ministry outreach that we have been a part of:

Door-to-Door Soul Winning Tract distribution Flyer campaign VBS programs Parades Caroling & Choir Jail ministry Festivals Christmas baskets Food pantry Fairs Craft classes Firewood ministry Assisting Seniors Airsoft wars RU outreach Clothing ministry Christmas Bible school Nursing homes Hospice ministry Packing and moving Pro-Life gift packs for pregnant teens

All of these are ways to build relationships within the community. These relationships will open doors and provide opportunities to share the gospel.

The congregation of a church is a force multiplier for the pastor, allowing him to accomplish more than he can alone. We are a force multiplier to God’s men across America in the same way. Allowing them to accomplish more in their ministry and the place of their calling than they can alone.

The second goal of our ministry is to help with the physical needs of the churches. Church planters are often under-supported on the mission field. To overcome this, they are bi-vocational and work a secular job. We provide manpower for them, allowing them to do far more and have a greater impact. Our God is not short when it comes to money, but rather, He needs willing men to make themselves available to the ministry.

There are many physical needs of a church or ministry that God has uniquely equipped our family to do and help with. My gift has always been to find a way to get things accomplished. I have always bought the tools to complete a job rather than hiring someone else. This mindset has allowed me to train and build skills that I have surrendered to use for the cause of Christ and His churches.

We are equipped and able to help in these areas:

Disaster Relief:

Storms can be devastating to a community, and most churches will not qualify for aid or disaster relief.

Mold remediation Wind damage Fire clean up Flooding and Water intrusion Storm damage Hail damage Pest damage Frozen pipes Snow Removal

Building Maintenance:

Church buildings need constant maintenance and upkeep. We have personally seen a church close their doors because the building became overwhelming for the pastor and the congregation.

Furnace cleaning Exterior sealing Concrete cleaning and sealing Filter changes Window repairs Flashing repair Gutter cleaning Carpet cleaning Roof vent replacement Roof painting Duct cleaning General cleaning and sanitizing

Construction and Remodeling:

As churches grow and change, their needs change. This will require remodeling and construction help many times throughout their history. If you have been part of a church for any amount of time, then you can list multiple building projects that have taken place over the years.

Garage doors Sheetrock and plaster Gutters Entry doors Painting Electrical work Windows Carpet Plumbing HVAC Demolition Decks and railings Sound systems Roofing and siding Handicap ramps Shed buildings Pavilion construction Pavilion to classroom conversion

Exterior Maintenance and Landscaping:

I grew up working for my father as a landscaper, and graduated from a technical high school in the agricultural program.

Driveways Exterior drainage Grading and driveway maintenance Culverts Tree, shrub, and flower planting Lawn and landscape maintenance Site work Walkways and sidewalks Shrub and tree removal Trenching Vehicle repairs and maintenance

We will be traveling with our Bobcat loader and tool trailer with our construction and mechanical tools to help God’s man.

We are a force multiplier to the saints of God by helping them be good stewards of what God has given them. By doing the physical things for these men, they will have more time and resources available to accomplish God’s calling for their lives and churches. It is the very idea of a force multiplier in action.

Our greatest ability is availability. We have surrendered our lives to the Lord and have made ourselves available to God for the sake of the gospel and the edifying and strengthening of New Testament Baptist churches.

Doers of the Work Ministry is a force multiplier for your church and your missions program. The Brown family will help your missions program to accomplish more by helping churches and church planters establish more churches that will send more missionaries. Looking at the physical needs around us will highlight the need for our ministry. Let us be force multipliers for you and your church congregation. Prayerfully consider supporting us as we go and help the man of God to fulfill the great commission.