Our Call to Ministry

In 2021, I heard the Biblical pattern of church planting preached for the first time. It was always more than one man. We went home from that meeting with a burden to do more. We were already working in every ministry available to us in the church but we knew that just being members of our church was not going to be enough for us.

During this time we had seen and heard of good independent Baptist churches closing. This grieved us tremendously! God had burdened our hearts to take action but, how? During Sunday school, the preacher read Romans 15:27. That verse stuck out to me like I had never seen it before. This verse put into words what we wanted to do.

“For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things.”

We are not only to minister in spiritual things, but to minister to others in the practical things of this life too! At that point I only had one thought. “Who am I, that God could use me?”

That night we went to church and the Pastor preached, “Who does God use?”. The answer was the foolish, the weak, the base and despised. Once again, it was like God was speaking directly to me. The Lord had given me the answer to my questions and was leading us to serve fulltime in the ministry of helps.

God brought to our minds someone that we had met 12 years ago. This man was a missionary in the ministry of helps. I knew that I needed to meet him again and talk to him. We made plans to attend a conference at his church. During the conference we heard of the dire need of Independent Baptist churches in America. Churches need to be reproducing churches. Sometimes a Pastor cannot “see the forest for the trees”. They are so worried about their church, that every ministry happens inside the church building.

We returned home with a resolve to make ourselves available to the Lord and the calling that he has placed on our lives.

After sharing our calling with our pastor he was excited and very supportive. He planted our church 24 years ago and remembers how much work went into the startup. In the beginning, he was bi-vocational and has gone through 3 building projects over the years. He understands the need for a helps ministry to churches in America.

We are available for the work of our Lord and Savior. We are Doers of the Work Ministry.